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Private Equity vs. Traditional Partnership – Which Path is Right for Your Firm?

Recently, we've been in discussions with various firms, and a recurring topic has emerged: the choice between private equity investment and the traditional partnership model. Each path offers distinct advantages and challenges.

Accountancy Practice Career Road Map

Navigating job titles in the market can be challenging! Here’s a road map to help you identify comparable job titles across the industry and see where your career could go next. Whether you’re looking to understand your current position or plan your next move, this guide offers clarity and direction to help you advance in your career.

How to Choose the Right Recruiter for Your Job Search

Navigating the job market can be daunting, especially if you’re exploring new opportunities. A recruiter can be an invaluable asset in this journey, offering access to job openings and industry insights you might not have otherwise. However, finding the right recruiter for your needs is crucial to ensure a successful job search. Here are some essential tips to guide you in selecting the right recruiter.